Strategic and regulatory guidance to engineering and business teams on the development of novel products and the use of emerging technologies in the financial industry.

Based in Switzerland and, together with our partners, every financial centre of the world. We navigate operational and transactional restrictions as part of your team from developing your idea, through funding and licensing, to whatever comes next.



Navigate operational and transactional restrictions and manage the regulatory impact of launching a broad variety of products and solutions. We have a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory environment for developing Web3 market infrastructure and offering consumer facing financial services.
  • Digital banking
  • E-money, payments and wallets
  • Investments:
    • Robo advisory
    • Digital asset management
    • Product manufacturing and distribution
  • Crowdfunding, crowdlending and short-term financing (BNPL)
  • Sustainability, climate tech and carbon credits
  • Insurance


Uncharted designs of decentralised technologies and their applications require creativity to read laws and talk with regulators to design solutions that provide sound legal basis for engineering teams.
  • Tokenisation and digital asset offerings
  • Centralised and decentralised exchanges and platforms
  • Digital asset lending and staking
  • Metaverse and non-fungible tokens
  • Stablecoins and asset-referenced tokens
  • Validators and miners


Invisible compliance for financial services. Together with our global partners we provide hilariously high level of due diligence and deep level of understanding of operations of disruptive business models. We advise financial institutions as well as venture capital investors on structures and acquisitions.
  • Operational resilience and outsourcing
  • Recovery and resolution plans
  • Datasets and data protection
  • Intellectual Property (in collaboration)
  • Insurance (in collaboration)
  • Business models (in collaboration)
  • Human Resources (with collaboration)
  • PR (with collaboration)
  • Funding and M&A (in collaboration)
  • Tax (in collaboration)


Quick action in a world of fast-moving money. We offer experienced and on-demand teams of practitioners experienced in interactions with regulatory agencies, enforcement authorities, courts.
  • Investigative attorneys (in collaboration)
  • Forensic services and internal investigations (in collaboration)
  • Trial counsels (in collaboration)
  • Fraud analysis (in collaboration)


Dahliastrasse 10, 8008 Zurich, Swtizerland
+41 79 900 04 05[email protected]
© 2024